King Arthur’s Disasters is a British animated series which first aired on CITV, a now defunct programming block on ITV1. The series was Co-Created by Paul Parkes and Will Ashurst, the series follows and depicts attempts by King Arthur, assisted by the wizard Merlin, to woo the beautiful self-obsessed Princess Guinevere. Due to the popularity of the show, it was picked up for a second series which began transmission on CITV from 6 November 2005. Both were Executive Produced by Genevieve Dexter
King Arthur’s Disasters was the highest rated new CITV show during Spring 2005. It regularly achieved an audience share of over 20% of kids and it regularly won its time slot against CBBC. In 2006 the show was nominated for a children’s BAFTA for Best Animation, however lost to The Amazing Adrenalini Brothers.
Press Gang was a British children’s comedy-drama revolving around the staff at The Junior Gazette, a childrens weekly newspaper produced by a group of school pupils.
The show interspersed comedic elements with the dramatic, tackling issues such as solvent abuse, child abuse and firearms control.
Five years later, 15-year-old Ben Tennyson chooses to once again put on the OMNITRIX and discovers that it has reconfigured his DNA and can now transform him into 10 brand new aliens. Joined by his super-powered cousin Gwen Tennyson and his equally powerful former enemy Kevin Levin, Ben is on a mission to find his missing Grandpa Max. In order to save his Grandpa, Ben must defeat the evil DNALIENS, a powerful alien race intent on destroying the galaxy, starting with planet Earth.
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