Yoshishige Miyake
“Hankyu Densha” follows the lives of various people who commute on Hankyu Railway’s Imazu Line – connecting the cities of Nishinomiya and Takarazuka in Hyogo prefecture. One of the commuters is Shoko (Miki Nakatani), an office worker in her 30s who lost her boyfriend to a younger colleague. There’s also a college student (Erika Toda) who is so easily persuaded by her no good boyfriend. Other commuters include a grandmother & granddaughter, a house wife, a female high school student, and a female otaku college student. Although the train ride takes only 15 minutes between two stations, the lives of these commuters are changed as they interact with each other…
The hospitality division in Koichi Prefecture can’t promote the beautiful nature in the area due to a strict rule by the prefecture government. Popular writer and Koichi area native Kyosuke Yoshikado is appointed as a special envoy for tourism in the area. He then receives a recommendation to meet Seien, a former employee of Koichi Prefecture, who once hatched an unusual idea to promote tourism. Seien pushed forward a project to import pandas into the area, but lost his job because of that project. Meanwhile, hospitality division employees Fumitaka and Taki visits the tourist house which is run by Seien and his daughter. When they arrive, the daughter throws a bucket of water at them, still angry for the way her father was dismissed from his job. From there, a plan for the hospitality division is born.
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