Peter Berg
Friday Night Lights is an American drama television series based around a high school football team situated in Texas. The series takes place in the fictional town of Dillon: a small, close-knit community in rural Texas. Particular focus is given to team coach Eric Taylor and his family, Tammy and Julie. The show uses this small town backdrop to address many issues facing contemporary American culture, including family values, child development, life lessons, school funding, racism, drugs, abortion and lack of economic opportunities.
Wonderland is a short-lived and controversial 2000 ABC television drama directed by Peter Berg. It depicted daily life in a mental institution, from the perspectives of both the doctors and patients. Only two episodes aired on ABC during its original run in 2000. DirecTV aired all eight episodes on its channel The 101 Network starting January 14, 2009.
The show had many controversial positions on the mental health crisis and its treatment.
TV Guide included the series in their 2013 list of 60 shows that were “Cancelled Too Soon”.
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