Joe Murray
Camp Lazlo! is an American animated television series created by Joe Murray. The series was released on July 8, 2005, in the United States and was released on November 1, 2005, in the United Kingdom. The show features a Boy Scout-like summer camp with a cast of anthropomorphic animal characters, a “retro” type of humor and silliness akin to Murray’s previous series, Rocko’s Modern Life, which aired on Nickelodeon a decade earlier, and cultural references.
The series ended its two-and-a-half-year run on Cartoon Network on March 27, 2008, with the series finale “Lumpus’ Last Stand” after 5 seasons and 61 episodes. This series returned to Cartoon Network in October 2012 in re-runs on the revived block, Cartoon Planet.
The show’s theme song is sung to the tune of Bingo.
Rocko’s Modern Life is an American animated series created by Joe Murray. The show aired for four seasons between 1993 and 1996 on Nickelodeon. Rocko’s Modern Life is based around the surreal, parodic adventures of an anthropomorphic, Australian-immigrant wallaby named Rocko, and his new life in the city of O-Town. The show explores his American life as well as the lives of his friends: the gluttonous steer Heffer, the neurotic turtle Filburt, and Rocko’s faithful dog, Spunky. The show is laden with adult humor, including double entendres, innuendos, and satirical social commentary.
Joe Murray initially created the title character for an unpublished comic book series in the late 1980s, and later reluctantly pitched the series to Nickelodeon, who were looking for edgier cartoonists for their new Nicktoons block. The network gave the staff a large amount of creative freedom, the writers targeting both children and adults. The show’s animation stylistically features crooked architecture. In addition, Murray picked many newcomer voice actors, such as Tom Kenny and Carlos Alazraqui, who have gone on to become very popular. The show was the fourth Nicktoon to premiere. Kenny described the show’s impact in an interview, saying, “Rocko’s Modern Life was just one of those shows that were the first break for a lot of people who went on to do other stuff in the business.”
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